Monday, January 23, 2012

Chapter 1

Hello to the person reading this blog, my name is Tayla Durham, I'm an author, artist, an avid reader, fantasy fan, and an avid equestrian.
So this is my story, (please look below, now come back up and finish reading this intro) I'm writing this because, hey why not? I love dragons, I love writing about dragons, and most of all I love drawing dragons.
This story will have weekly chapters posted, on Mondays or Fridays, (or any day ending in Y, which completely throws off tomorrow, sorry :)) It will be about forty weeks before the story is actually finished, so stick around, and check every day for a new chapter.
Anyway, before I start blabbing, this story is my precious, don't mock the precious, and please no rude comments, (I will have to send a dragon after you, blog rules, sorry)
Oh and sometimes, (not always) there will be updates on Crash Landing (the story below) on my YouTube account, Fantasyfandreamer, where I will make movies about it, so check there to.
But mostly, please enjoy my story, this is written especially for you. :)
Have fun reading, and please feel free to leave nice, comments, and absolutely NO arguing with fellow readers in the comments section (this time it's a hydra I'll be sending)
No copying this and claiming it as your own either :( I've worked hard and would like to claim the work as my own, thank you (copiers will be fringed)
Sincerely, Tayla Durham

Chapter One
I Plummet to my death

You know that feeling you get when you’re about to suffer a quick and very painful death? Well I’m feeling that right now, and let me tell you it is not fun.

          My normally heightened senses are going into overdrive, I can see my life flashing before my eyes, (eck did I really do that? I was such a stupid hatchling!) my hearing is going nuts, I can hear the roar of wind in my ears, and the flapping sound it makes as it hits my extended wing. The sense of feeling is so strong I can feel the clouds, just wisps of freezing air rushing past me as I plummet towards the ground.

          All in all, I’ve never felt more alive in my life.

          So to you tiny, puny human let me introduce myself, I am the mighty Shearaha, (or just Shera, if you must) fifth born of the terrifying Shadow Winger, and the fighter of many angry bananas, (those things are vicious!) defeater of the awful, too much water in the stomach monster, and the inventor of the horn scratcher, (okay so I didn’t invent rocks, but I’m probably the first dragon dumb enough to ram into a rock while I had my eyes closed, scratched my horns up pretty good and then thought, hey that felt pretty good! And then did it again.)

          I am a dragon. A fierce mighty beast. My size, my strength, my mighty roar sends men fleeing in terror, my green fire flames is enough to melt the flesh off an ox (or my breath, either way it works) my scales are as bright as the moon at its fullest, a beautiful silver, I have a nest of horns around my head and enough teeth to send a shark fleeing. My wings have the span of seventy feet, that are currently, completely useless.

          More clouds whoosh past me, thunder crackling and I have to wonder if metallic dragons are as much a thrill to hit as metal things to lightning. If so I’m in dangerous because I look like a tasty bit of shiny metal, the kind that lightning has so much of a thrill to hit.

          La, la, la. Falling, plummeting.

          I blow out a long breath wondering why I was so dumb to fly up so high, yeah let’s fly over the clouds to see what it looks like up there above a storm, smart! About as smart as sticking your tongue in a pool of piranhas and expecting not to get bit.

          Doing good on the brains here.

          Thunder rumbles around me, the air feels so heavy and electrocuted it’s making my scales quiver. I go cross-eyed trying to look down to see if I’m out of the storm yet, wondering just how far I have to fall now before I hit the ground.

          I’m falling upside down, left wing crumpled against my side, right wing hopelessly stretched out to the point it hurts. And I have no possible way of flipping over.

          “Well this is fun.” I sigh.

          My father would just die of embarrassment if he saw me now and normally I’m his greatest joy and pride, don’t know why, my endless, (stupid mind you) curiosity has sent me, (a full grown dragon, 257 years old) fleeing back to the nest. Normally I’m quite sane, but if I see something that perks my stupidity, (excuse me curiosity) I can’t help but go look at it, it’s like I’m dragged to it.

          Just like today, I was looking up at the clouds from the cliff edge by my lair and the dumb thought of hey what does the sky look like above a storm? Occurred to me and two seconds later, like any good idiot, I was flying up in the storm thinking, well this is really stupid.

           I sigh and shake my head, which doesn’t help the fact that I’m getting kind of dizzy. When I hit the ground, provided I live, I’m going to stay in my lair until my wings heal and then I’ll politely stick to just flying when I need to go hunting, until then, uckthis again.

          not fly far enough to end up in the Desert Realm, I'm not even close to the Desert Realm!

          So where is it?

          The ground comes closer and closer, I try again to spread my left wing, trying to balance myself out a little and it screams in pain, I let out a roar and heave out a burst of green acidy flames in pure utter frustration. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid me!

          Not wanting to break anymore bones, I snap my head back up bracing myself, curling in my forelegs and hind legs preparing for impact. Crash landing. Ah, the brilliantly stupid thing that dragon parents never prepare their hatchlings for. They should have full length classes on how to land a crash landing, (Crash Landing 101, How Not to Die When You Hit the Ground.)

          Lightning flashes overhead, I catch sight of the form of a dragon flying away, misty, distorted, but there. Hello? Fellow dragon, falling towards the ground, about to die? HELP! Pardon, I could require some assistance, it would be nice.

          The dragon flies away vanishing into the dark storm.

          And that’s the precise moment my exhilarating about to die moment ends, and I hit the ground.